6/14 This week we had an amazing experience. We were contacting for a while one day, and then I had the thought to try and reenact the situation in which we found Jorge and his family last week. So we went to the same street at the same time of day, and walked the same direction. What I at first thought to be a childish desire for an experience similar to the one we had last week turned out to be revelation from the spirit. When we reached the same block that we had found Jorge and his family on, we found Dario and his family. They are a wonderful family from Ecuador. Unfortunately we were unable to visit them again this week, but we are really excited for them.
I think the biggest miracle that happened this week happened on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, we showed up to choir practice and a member had brought someone she had met on the train that day. They were going to some classes they had in the chapel. The man later asked us if we could visit with him and his uncle's family the next day. The next day, we went out to the pueblo where we had set up to meet, and unfortunately Hector, the man we were suppose to meet there didn't show up, but the member who was with us, Maria Concepcion, knew where his uncle's family lived because she had visited with them the day before. So we went to their house and found the mom and the daughters outside the door cleaning the lobby of their building. We all went up together to meet the father Manuel, and taught a good lesson on the Book of Mormon. This family has a lot of potential. They are a very humble family, and likely don't have means of transport, but I think they have a desire to know the truth. We are really excited for these three new families we have found over the last few weeks! I love teaching families!
The one thing I learned this week is the importance of following spiritual promptings. The scriptures teach us that the spirit will show us "all things that we] shall do". Especially as missionaries, seeing as though missionary work is literally done by the spirit, it is absolutely necessary that we follow spiritual promptings that come to us during the day. Sometimes we worry ourselves questioning whether what we are feeling is just our own thoughts or if it is a prompting coming from the spirit. Elder Bednar gave a wonderful talk on that He said; "be a good boy, and stop worrying about it". In essence, if we are living the commandments and doing what we are suppose to do, we can be certain that the good ideas that come to our mind about what we should do is the spirit. Imagine if I had blown off the idea to try and reenact the situation in which we found Jorge. Although it seemed unrealistic, had we not done it, we wouldn't have found Dario and his family. I am a firm believer that the spirit is always guiding us. If we follow his promptings, we will receive them more often, and we will see miracles.
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