Wednesday, December 23, 2015

10 new investigators!

11/30  This week was great. We saw so many miracles, and by the end of the week, we had found a total of 10 new investigators to teach! We had been working hard all week long and it seemed like nothing was working, but we saw the blessings come over the weekend. It was so relieving to see all that hard work during the week pay off. Two of the people we found were from simply passing by one of the 3 addresses we had written down from the area book. We rang their door, and they just let us in. We sat and talked for a while to a very nice Spanish couple. The husband told us that he couldn't deny that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, but he didn't really believe in the apostasy. I'm excited for a chance to try and explain that to him better. 

We continue to pass by Nely frequently. She has gone a week and a half without tobacco or coffee, and I have really seen a huge change in her. She used to tell us every day how hard it was, now she hardly ever mentions it. She has gotten to the point where she can't put the Book of Mormon down. She is reading an average of 7-8 chapters every day and is now finishing 2 Nephi. I have also seen such a huge change in her ever since she has started reading. Her understanding of everything is growing so much, and her testimony is getting stronger every day! She came to church for the first time yesterday and loved it. We had the primary program yesterday, and she absolutely loved every moment of that. At this point, I am sure she will be baptized, I just hope we can find a member friend to help her in the process. 

Elder Peay and I are doing good. We are teaching and working a lot better together now, and his Spanish has improved a lot. I feel like we have both grown a lot together and learned a lot from one another. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to train. We are currently studying the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion, and I love this section. The Holy Ghost truly is the most important aspect of a teaching situation. If we don't have the Holy Ghost, we can't teach.

One thing I learned this week as I taught our bible class on Friday is the things that amaze me about the life of Jesus Christ. Part of the lesson in the manual suggested reading the words to the hymn "Asombro Me Da" (I Stand All Amazed #193). After doing so, we invited the students to make a list of the things Christ did that amaze them. I'd like to share a few points from my list:

He healed the sick
He cured the blind
He forgave the sinner
He taught doctrine clearly
He taught by perfect example
He was completely selfless
He served others His whole life
He instituted the Sacrament
He suffered for my sins, pains, sicknesses, weaknesses, and afflictions
He remained completely calm and dignified as others defiled Him
He died on the cross
He broke the bands of death for me

These are only a few of the points I came up with. Really, I could come up with an endless list of things that Christ did that amaze me. I am so grateful for everything He did for me, and for all of God's children. I know that He is our Savior and Redeemer, and I know He loves us perfectly. He gave His life for us, and only asks that we accept Him and His doctrine. I know that as we do, we can find true happiness in this life. 

¡Un abrazo querido amigo!

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